Online entry for all Local Festivals is now OPEN! ………….. Go to your local festival’s page to find out how to enter


Contemporary Styles Classes

A new virtual strand to our local festivals, aimed at young contemporary music performers / songwriters. 

More information will be announced this week, but in the mean time check out the provisional syllabus

(please note, this is currently being reviewed and may differ slightly in its final form):

Find out more here


festival syllabus 2023

Our syllabus for 2023 can be accessed here, or through the menu bar at the top of each page.

Syllabus 2023


PEi kiwanis music festival provincial finals


2 – 3 June, 2023


The Prince Edward Island Kiwanis Music Festival Association is a non-profit organization that represents four local festivals (Kings County, Queens County, East Prince and West Prince).

Our purpose is to promote and encourage growth in music through local festivals in competitive and non-competitive classes. PEI music students and amateur musicians from all backgrounds, and at all levels (from beginner to advanced) are invited to take part. 

The majority of competitors take part in just their local festival, but can potentially progress through 3 levels of competition (local, provincial, and then national) if they wish, depending on the requirements of each level and recommendation of our adjudicators.

support your festivalS

As a non-profit organizations, these festivals rely on the incredible generosity of our sponsors and donors, and the hard work of our volunteers. 

Donations, sponsorships, ideas for fundraising activities, and new volunteers are always welcome!

Find out more about how to support us:


queens county music festival 


24 April – 5 May, 2023

Queens pages

west prince music festival 


27 – 29 April, 2023

West Prince pages

kings county music festival


1 – 6 May, 2023

Kings pages

east prince music festival


1 – 6 May, 2023